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Video: Wendy Lea on the world of social collaboration

Wendy Lea

Video: Wendy Lea explains how the process of shopping has evolved
in the digital age.

Wendy Lea has a message for CEOs and business owners: Get with the program.

Her no-nonsense talk at Y’all Connect Presented by Alabama Power, “CEO to CEO: Real Collaboration in the Social Space,” gave both an executive’s and a consumer’s perspective.

She discussed the customer’s journey and the exciting frontier of social collaboration. Marketers and strategists should pay heed to her observations on the rapidly changing digital market.

You can purchase the hourlong video of her full seminar for just $19.

Video: Wendy Lea shows how consumers hold power over brands
through social networks.

Video: Wendy Lea describes how online retailing is the new Main Street,
and what companies must offer in their digital venues.

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