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Video: Taylor Robinson on better stories for brands

Taylor Robinson

Video: Taylor Robinson defines “story” and what it means for brand stories.

Taylor Robinson says marketers use the word “story” so much that it has lost most of its meaning. But he understands what makes good stories work.

In his talk at Y’all Connect Presented by Alabama Power, he not only reviewed the elements necessary for a strong brand story, but also showed examples of videos with compelling messages. Taylor gives you the tools to identify the parts of any story, including for your own products and services.

What is a story? What do you need to put a story together, whether for a video, a blog post or a tweet? What really belongs in a story’s final version?

His talk guides you through getting your stories straight and true.

You can purchase the hourlong video of his full seminar for just $19.

Video: Taylor Robinson explores the four building blocks of any brand story.

Video: Taylor Robinson explains why marketers must avoid the temptation to
share everything in a story.

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