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The modern storyteller

Photo: Tony Fischer (CC)

I want to tell you some stories. Stories about where I grew up, stories about where I live, stories about people who make a difference.

Telling stories is how I’ve made my living for many years, whether in print, on the air or online. Telling a good story will help you stand out.

A year ago, I made the commitment to launch Y’all Connect. And it has grown in ways I could not have imagined some 12 short months ago.

Helping you with your storytelling continues to be my mission. It takes more than a single day of learning and sharing. Modern storytelling means persistence in getting the message out, and stockpiles of imagination in coming up with new ways to tell old tales.

We’ll meet again in June 2014. But before then, a few more stories, a few more ideas, a few more laughs. I hope you’ll stick around.

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The yearlong blogging challenge

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